
Peter Haraway

At last, my own planet. But there are no public conveniences to photograph.

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Based in the South East of England, not far from the seaside town of Brighton. Toting camera everywhere, as economics and pandemics permit.

I’ve been taking photos with serious intent for more years than I care to admit, other than to say that I’m no stranger to film, eerie red lighting and trays of oderiferous chemicals.

The pinnacle (or perhaps it was the lowest point?) of my photographic journey was the publication of one of my toilet photographs in Lonely Planet’s A Spotter’s Guide to Toilets. Yes, that’s an actual book. That they charge money for. It’s the ideal choice for your bookshelf in the smallest of rooms, and handy for making your backpack heavier when you go on that life-affirming world tour of notable WCs that we’ve all been saving up for.

When not photographing toilets I can often be found pointing a lens at landscapes, cityscapes, animals and people in the street.

(PS You might also want to check out my books The Absolute Beginner’s Guide to Taking Great Photographs and African Safari Animals and Birds Coloring Book).